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Tell us how we are doing & how we can better serve you!
Asterisk indicates required information
First Name & Last Name (Optional)
Do you have a Caseyville Library card?
Yes, I have an active Caseyville Library card
No, I do not have a library card OR my library card is expired
I have a card from a different library
How frequently do you visit or use Caseyville Library?
Every few months
Is there anything preventing you from getting a library card or visiting the library more frequently?
Does the accessibility of technology and available services at the library meet your needs?
Does the accessibility of technology and available services at the library meet your needs?
Are you happy with the quality and quantity of books, dvds, newspapers, & audiobooks.
Are you happy with the quality and quantity of books, dvds, newspapers, & audiobooks.
How satisfied are you with the environment inside the library? Do you feel welcomed?
How satisfied are you with the environment inside the library? Do you feel welcomed?
Is there a staff member who particularly helped you? Who? Describe your experience and if you felt supported.
Tell us what we are doing right & what we can improve!
I authorize my comments to be used with my first name only listed for Caseyville Public Library District's promotional materials.
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