Start off your Easter weekend with Caseyville Library! Children's Springtime and Easter books are now on display.
You can also take home a novel for yourself or check out a movie for the family.
Looking for something to do this weekend? There are a few events around town to enjoy!

Free Easter Egg Giveaway at Knollwood
Saturday, March 27th from 9 am-11 am
Knollwood Retirement Center
921 Knollwood Village Rd.
Caseyville, IL 62232
Meet the Easter Bunny and take home a bag of Easter treats! This event is a drive-through so you can roll right up to Knollwood for your Easter surprises.
Residents will be able to watch from their windows and porches so give them a wave and spread some joy!

Caseyville Fire Department Auxiliary Easter Sale
Saturday, March 27th & Sunday March 28th from 1 pm-5 pm
Caseyville Fire House
321 South Main
This year there will not be an Easter party, but you can buy Easter eggs and baskets from Caseyville Fire Department.
$5 13 filled plastic eggs
$10 filled and wrapped Easter basket
For Preorders call:
Joyce Staley 618-304-6659
Phyllis Scott 618-363-077
Pam McDaniel 618-409-4856
Iva Eldridge 618-973-4150

Friday, April 2nd at 9 am
Facebook Video
Listen in on April 2nd for a special storytime with Ashley and Esther. Esther the Comfort Dog's mission is to provide comfort and joy to everyone she meets. Ashley and Esther will be reading "Clifford's Happy Easter" by Norman Bridwell. Listen in and hear how Clifford the Big Red Dog spends his Easter with his favorite human, Emily!

Sunday, April 4th at 1 pm
Facebook Video
This Easter Sunday grab your chocolate eggs and jellybeans and tune in to CPLD's Easter Storytime! We will be reading "The Easter Egg" written and illustrated by Jan Brett, author of "The Mitten" and many other beloved tales.
"The Easter Egg" is about a bunny named, Hoppi, who wants to make the most beautiful egg for the Easter Bunny so he can help the Easter Bunny hide them for Easter morning.
Hoppi goes around to all the other bunnies working on their intricate eggs and wonders how he can make the winning egg, but when Hoppi finds a stray robin egg, suddenly the egg contest doesn't seem as important. What will Hoppi do about the contest? How can he take care of an egg? Join us for storytime to find out!
We hope you enjoy these fun activities around Caseyville this Easter season! If you'd like to check out any books, movies, or other items this weekend, we will be open our regular hours. And if you'd like to request items from other libraries, our item quarantine period has decreased so you will receive your items much quicker. Check out what our library system has to offer HERE!